ViZard GX-8022 Mouse Gaming
8:27 PMViZard GX-8022 Mouse Gaming
1. 7D Multi Function
2. Sensitive Shift
3. Weight Plus
4. LEft/ Right Hand
Key Future :
This high-perform gaming device gives potentialities to bloom in competitive games
Uniqueness :
The outstanding designed shaping & colorful light effects express the extraordinary tolerance of the product. A totally new gaming era has been created while experiencing the hero-feeling that it released
Insta-Adjustments :
The Sensitivity could be regulated instantly with 1-click on the DPI fuction button
Warna tersedia : Hitam dan Putih
Catatan : Warna akan kami udahakan sesuai dengan permintaan customer, namun bila stock warna habis maka kami berhak mengirim secara RANDOM tanpa harus memberi konfirmasi terlebih dahulu. Kecuali terdapa tulisan " CANCEL selain warna yang diinginkan" pada kolom catatan.
Berat : 200 Gram
Harga (Update Maret 2022) : Rp. 58.000,-
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